We are focused on the practical knowledge and skill building to perform phylogenetic network analyses and interpret networks. This includes strategies for working with data sets of various sizes and ages, and understanding the limitations of existing methods. Each session will provide some background material and theory as necessary with emphasis on using software for real-time analyses. Breaks are built into the day and participants are encouraged to discuss their research with instructors over the course of the workshop and conference.

Learning Goals

  • Understand how molecular sequence data can be used to estimate phylogenetic networks
  • Understand the appropriateness of different models for different biological problems
  • Develop strategies for estimating species networks with many loci
  • Evaluate confidence in phylogenetic network estimates
  • Develop strategies for communicating and visualizing phylogenetic networks
  • Compare trait evolution on networks versus binary trees

Learning Outcomes

  • Estimate phylogenetic networks from gene tree topologies with PhyloNetworks
  • Evaluate phylogenetic support statistics with RAWR
  • Detect gene flow from site patterns with PhyNEST
  • Test gene flow hypotheses with BPP
  • Construct complex models for various data types with PhyNetPy
  • Test trait evolution hypotheses with morphological models in PhyloNetworks

Preparing for the Workshop

Information on installation steps that are needed to be performed prior to the workshop are on the Pre-workshop page.